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How it works

High-tech made easy to use


Our device is easy and intuitive. We bring high-tech into your everyday routine. Just place the AIQ wearable patch on the skin of your chosen muscle, and it will stick without even feeling it there, super light, comfortable, and hypoallergenic. Start your training as usual, and the device will vibrate in case of a high risk of injury. After your training, you will receive all the insights on our app.


EMG measures the electric impulses in the muscles. It is a non-invasive technology that has been around in the medical sector for a while, though usually hard to use, and has to be placed in a precise location, often by doctors. We decided to make it easy to use. 


Our wearable device brings this technology to a broader audience by making it easy to use. We are enabling everyone to understand their muscles and help them reach their goals faster.

Our technology

AI + EMG + microtechnology


We offer the user directly on our app personalized AI-powered coaching based on their real-time muscle performance, their ideal level of exertion, what is their optimal load and duration of workout, when they should schedule their next training, information about their muscle strain and recovery, and notifying them when they are in high risk of injury.


We are measuring the electric impulses in the muscles directly using electromyography, obtaining hyper-accurate data about the muscle, and giving you insights about your muscles based on your muscles. This makes us different from most wearable devices that assess muscles based on heart rate biometrics. 


For a seamless experience, we have developed for our device a microtechnology mechanical adhesive that is reusable thousands of times and sticks to sweaty, oily, and hairy skin. This makes our patch easy to use: just place it in the skin of the exercising muscle and start training, move it around, and wash it at the end of the training.


Our sleek design fits any occasion. AIQ is the best accessory in & out of the gym.


This is why AIQ has been showcased at the 2024 International Berlin Film Festival Red Carpet. 

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